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Quality Software Services

"GFTPL, led by Praveen Kumar, delivered a matchmaking platform ahead of schedule that's both innovative and deeply rooted in Indian tradition. Their foresight and support make them more than just tech partners; they're trusted advisors. For anyone seeking tech magic and partnership, GFTPL's your golden ticket."
Mohan Lal
"GFTPL wove digital magic for Handicrafts! Praveen Kumar & team crafted a stunning E-commerce platform, seamlessly blending technology with Indian artistry. They celebrate our craftsmen, not just sell products. GFTPL: Innovation meets quality, transforming Handicrafts into a vibrant online celebration. Thank you for bringing our vision to life!"
Neha Singh
"Praveen Kumar and Team GFTPL's magic transformed Parmod Fashion! Their Multistore PoS & E-commerce platform (B2B & B2C!) streamlined operations, boosting efficiency. They listened, delivered on time, and kept us thriving. For tech brilliance and client commitment, choose GFTPL!"
Parmod Kumar
"Praveen Kumar & GFTPL revolutionized OJ EASE. Their B2C magic transformed the paper into a dynamic e-commerce platform with a live dashboard. User-friendly design & stunning website prove their commitment. Choose GFTPL for professional, responsive e-commerce solutions!"
Ankush Kumar

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